The hybrid tea ‘Touch of Class’ is the highest rated hybrid tea, ranked at 8.9 out of a possible 10.0 points in the American Rose Society’s annual “Roses In Review” evaluation for 2008. This high rank puts it in the “Outstanding” category. Certainly it is outstanding in the exhibition quality of its exquisite buds. Flowers are orange pink with 30 to 35 petals and slight fragrance. It blooms constantly and is resistant to the fungus diseases black spot and rust. Its perfection is flawed, however, by susceptibility to two other fungus diseases, powdery mildew and botrytis. Botrytis attacks and ruins the gorgeous blossoms, a problem that makes this rose somewhat less than “Outstanding” for many of us. It is winter hardy in USDA Zones 4-9. Other roses in all classes, some with stronger fragrance and some with better disease resistance, are the subjects of upcoming blogs.<!–[endif]–>
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