Moth orchids, Phalaenopsis species and hybrids, are surprisingly abundant and inexpensive these days. Available everywhere in supermarkets and big box stores they thrive in the low light and warmth of our homes as nearly perfect houseplants.
Read more →Blushing bromeliads, Neoregelia species and hybrids, are elegant houseplants that flourish with a half day of direct sun from an east window. The leaves in the heart of the plant develop brilliant color when the plant flowers.
Read more →Ladyslipper orchids, Paphiopedilum species and hybrids, are another group of orchids that are excellent houseplants. They want low light and warm nights, just what our homes have to offer. Not available in big box stores, find them online from specialty orchid houses.
Read more →Spring bulbs, like these irises, can be forced into bloom inside the house in winter. They make beautiful temporary houseplants for a few weeks but have to go back outside when weather permits.
Read more →Dendrobium orchids are often found these days in floral departments of supermarkets and big box stores. They make wonderful houseplants for a south window in very bright light filtered by sheer curtains.
Read more →Goldfish plant has several other common names (candy-corn plant, guppy plant, dolphin plant). The name refers to three different species all of which have flowers in shades of red, orange, or yellow and grow very well in hanging baskets.
Read more →Cupid’s bow, Achimenes species and hybrids, is another houseplant that goes dormant in winter. It’s glorious in bloom during the growing season and well worth having. Pot up the scaly little tubers soon, bring them into light and warmth, and they’ll soon be rewarding you with magnificent flowers.
Read more →We still have a couple of cabbages, lots of kale, and some Brussels sprouts in the garden from last summer. Still good to eat! But we have to get ready to plant all the seeds we ordered. Maybe we’ll make sauerkraut!
Read more →Our asparagus is just beginning to sprout. We should be able to start harvesting in about a month. Looking forward to fresh, homegrown, organic vegetables from our garden. The asparagus is the first of many delights to come.
Read more →Caladium, Caladium bicolor, has gorgeous foliage all through the growing season. It’s dormant and dies to the ground all winter. Soon it will be time to pot up the tubers, bring it back into light and warmth, and get it growing again.
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